
At Doagh Primary School we are committed to teaching the N.I Curriculum within a rich, stimulating, safe, positive and happy learning environment. 

Our learning and teaching approach is child centred. We aim to create an atmosphere of respect and openness within our school to enable each child to achieve their full potential, regardless of ability levels. We strive to promote in our children, the desire to be lifelong learners and to develop a healthy respect for themselves and the community in which they live.

The curriculum is delivered in year groups and children have the opportunity to participate in class, group, paired and individual activities. We strive to ensure our children experience variety in terms of teaching methods and curriculum delivery.  This may include staff with different areas of expertise such as ICT skills assisting with some classes so that the children benefit from the expertise at our disposal. Members of the local community and beyond are invited into the school to share their knowledge of particular topics such as local history.  These visits help to maintain our strong links with the community. They also help the children to make connections between learning in school and real life. The importance of meaningful learning experiences is strongly advocated within Doagh Primary School.

Educational trips are organised for class groups to help to enrich the curriculum and broaden the educational experiences of the children.  An annual residential trip is organised for the Year 7 children.


Assessment is an integral part of our learning and teaching approach. Informal and formal assessment enables us to track the progress of each child and provide effective support when needed. The assessment data informs areas of strengths and areas for development in the children’s learning. Teachers use the outcomes of assessments to plan their teaching accordingly for the year ahead.

Our assessment procedures include the following:

  • Standardised Tests and diagnostic tests
  • Teacher observation
  • Curriculum marking
  • End of Key Stage Assessment
  • Peer and self-assessment
  • Target setting: individual, class and whole-school
  • Learning outcomes and success criteria shared with pupils
  • Celebrating success

The Areas of Learning

The Northern Ireland Curriculum covers the following areas:

  • Language and Literacy / Communication
  • Mathematics and Numeracy
  • The World Around Us
  • Personal Development and Mutual Understanding (PDMU)
  • The Arts
  • Physical Education
  • Religious Education

The development of uICT skills is strongly promoted at Doagh Primary School. In recent years, we successfully submitted a portfolio of work from level 2 to level 4

Underpinning all the areas of learning is the development of Thinking Skills and Personal Capabilities. These include:

  • Self Management
  • Managing Information
  • Working with Others
  • Being Creative
  • Thinking, Problem solving and Decision Making

Developing the children’s Thinking Skills and Personal Capabilities is very important to us and is infused throughout much of our teaching of the curriculum. 

(Talking & Listening, Reading and Writing)

Literacy focuses on developing each child’s ability to understand and use language, both spoken and written, as an integral part of learning in all areas in order to interact effectively with the world around them, to express themselves creatively and to communicate confidently (through Talking and Listening, Reading and Writing) using a variety of skills and media.  Language and Literacy are fundamental prerequisites for thinking, learning and interacting in personal, social and work contexts throughout life. Literacy is therefore a key to learning as well as a key to enjoyment and personal growth.

A structured phonics programme is used throughout the school to help develop reading and writing skills. This ensures consistency of approach in all classes, which is advantageous for the children.

During the academic year 2018/19 we introduced a new reading scheme into school, which we continue to extend each academic year.


Throughout primary school, children will engage in a wide range of purposeful activities which will involve them in different modes of mathematical learning, including playing, exploring and investigating, doing and observing, talking and listening, asking questions, reflecting, drafting, reading and recording.

Valuable practical experiences will enable the children to develop their knowledge and skills in:

  • Processes in Mathematics
  • Number
  • Measures
  • Shape and Space
  • Handling Data.

The Abacus Maths Scheme well as a variety of additional teaching texts and structured practical resources are used by children throughout the school.  Mental Arithmetic, Problem Solving and Investigations are a feature of Mathematics and Numeracy lessons. 


We embed learning through the use of a range of ICT programs and applications. During the academic year 2021/22 we installed new Smartboards in every classroom. In 2022 we were kindly given a full class set of iPads which are utilised effectively throughout the whole school.

The World Around Us (Geography, History and Science and Technology)

Through this Area of Learning, children have the opportunity to explore the world around them from the perspectives of geography, history and science and technology.  The emphasis is on developing the children's skills in these subjects and focuses less on learning content and facts.

Schools have flexibility to choose topics that meet the interests and needs of the children in the school.  This allows the teachers to look at people, places and/or events in the locality and to design their curriculum to suit the needs of their pupils.
We have are very involved in the both the Eco-Schools and Sustrans programmes. We were delighted to achieve the prestigious Sustrans Gold Award during the academic year 2019/20 and we became Gold Ambassadors in 2023. We are very proud to fly our second Eco-Schools green flag (achieved in 2023)!

The Arts (Art, Music and Drama)

Within this learning area, the opportunities available to children through Art and Design, Drama and Music enable them to develop creativity. Children can express their ideas, feelings and interpretations of the world in diverse ways, through pictures, sound, drama and dance. All children have the opportunity to engage in singing, music, art, drama and dance. We have been able to further extend this area of the curriculum through our involvement with the Ulster Scots Agency. Indeed, we became a Flagship school in 2023.

Personal Development AND Mutual Understanding (PDMU)

This aspect of the curriculum targets focuses on encouraging each child to become personally, emotionally and socially effective, to lead healthy, safe and fulfilled lives and to become confident, independent and responsible citizens, making informed and responsible choices and decisions throughouttheir lives. The purpose of Personal Development as a separate Area of Learning within the primary curriculum is to provide the opportunity for specific attention to be given to emotional development, health and safety, relationships and the development of moral thinking, values and action.

Physical Education

The purpose of Physical Education is to provide the opportunity for specific attention to be given to the physical development, health and well-being of children. Through a broad and balanced Physical Education Programme, children will have the opportunity to develop their knowledge, understanding and skills, enabling them to participate and perform competently and confidently in a range of physical activities, including dance, athletics, games and swimming (Year 6/7).   

The school has a well equipped PE Hall, a grass pitch and two tarmac playground areas (Junior and Senior school playground areas).  Both playgrounds have attractive playground markings. The Senior playground also has cycling proficiency markings to assist with the Cycling Proficiency Programme which is offered to Year 7 pupils.

Religious Education

Religious Education has a central position within our curriculum which seeks not only to impart knowledge but also to develop understanding of religious experiences, feelings and attitudes.  It is concerned with the spiritual growth of the individual, both in relation to the school and community. In Doagh Primary School we strive to create a caring ethos where every individual is valued and respected, cared for and protected. Our religious faith is also celebrated through weekly and special assemblies, an After School Club, links with Shining Lights, Scripture Union, Youth for Christ  and outside events which occur throughout the school year.


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