Child Protection Policy

Mrs Brown (Principal): Designated Teacher for Child Protection/Safeguarding
Miss Bell (Senior Teacher): Deputy Designated Teacher
Mrs J Henderson (Chairperson of the Board of Governors)
Mrs J Hewitt (Designated Governor for Child Protection)

Schools are responsible for promoting and safeguarding the welfare of all the pupils in their care. The Board of Governors and staff of Doagh Primary School take seriously their responsibilities in relation to Child Protection. All governors, staff and volunteers are aware of their role in the safeguarding of children. We are committed to providing a stimulating, caring, happy, respectful and safe environment where children can grow, learn and achieve their full potential.

We recognise that our school plays a crucial role in the prevention of harm by providing our children with good lines of communication with trusted adults, supportive friends and an ethos of protection. Our school community will put in place a preventive curriculum by:

  • establishing and maintaining an ethos where children feel secure, are encouraged to talk and are listened to;
  • ensuring that all children know there is an adult in the school whom they can talk to if worried or in difficulty; and,
  • including in the curriculum opportunities for personal and social development which equip children with the skills they need to stay safe from harm and to whom they should turn for help if the need arises.

Our commitment to protecting the children in our care is evident by our linking of personal safety in relation to child protection into PDMU, assemblies, participation in Anti-Bullying Week and Safer Internet Day. These provide the children with opportunities to understand and learn about the risks of possible abuse, recognise unwelcome and inappropriate behaviour in others and develop the confidence, skills and strategies they need to keep themselves safe.

If parents have any concerns about their child’s (or any child’s) safety they should contact the school and speak to either the child’s Class Teacher, or the Principal, Mrs Brown. Any further concerns can be taken up with the Chairperson of the Board of Governors.

At any time a parent can talk to a Social Worker (0300 1234 333) or the Police (101).

The school, if concerned about a child’s safety, will follow the guidelines set down by the Department of Education for NI.

If a child makes a disclosure to a teacher or other member of staff which gives rise to concern about possible abuse, or if a member of staff has concerns about a child, the member of staff will act promptly. No promise of confidentiality can or will be made to a child or anyone else giving information about possible abuse. Information will be held in strict confidence and only shared with relevant members of staff and external agencies (e.g. EA Child Protection Officers, Social Services, PSNI).

The Designated Teacher and Deputy Designated Teacher for Child Protection will, as a matter of urgency, plan a course of action and ensure that a written record is made. Any preliminary enquiries will be made carefully and sensitively.

The Designated Teacher (Principal), in consultation with the Deputy Designated Teacher, will decide whether, in the best interests of the child, the matter needs to be referred to social services. If there are concerns that a child may be at risk, the school is obliged to make a referral. Unless there are concerns that a parent may be the possible abuser, the parents will be informed immediately.

All concerns about possible abuse must be reported to:

  • Social Services
  • EAs Designated Child Protection Officers
  • Chairperson of the Board of Governors

If information of alleged abuse is received from an outside source the same procedures will be followed.


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