ETI Follow-Up Inspection December 2013 / Sustaining Improvement Inspection December 2016

 Follow-up Inspection December 2013

Doagh Primary School had a follow-up inspection during December 2013. The findings are set out below and can also can be viewed at:

This is an excellent report for our school and we are delighted with the ETI findings and positive comments.

May I take this opportunity to thank our parents for their invaluable support.

Sustaining Improvement Inspection - Doagh PS

A Sustaining Improvement Inspection of Doagh PS was carried out in December 2016.  The ETI concluded that Doagh PS continues to demonstrate a high level of capacity for sustained improvement in the interest of all the learners. 

Once again, I would like to thank our amazing team of class teachers and classroom assistants who work extremely hard to ensure the children of Doagh PS receive high quality learning experiences.  I would also like to thank our parents for the support they offer to the staff and school as a whole.  
Dr McLernon (Previous Principal) and Mrs Brown (Principal)



The inspection of Doagh Primary School in November 2009 evaluated the provision as satisfactory and identified the need for improvement in a number of key areas, including the more rigorous analysis and use of all available performance data and the provision of more clearly focused curricular leadership by the principal and the management team to raise the overall standards of the children’s attainments in literacy and numeracy.

The Education and Training Inspectorate (ETI) carried out a follow-up inspection (FUI) in June 2012. At that time, it was noted that while improvements had been made in aspects of the provision such as literacy and numeracy and the use of the assessment data to identify children who may need support with aspects of their learning, the areas for improvement identified at the time of the original inspection still remained to be addressed.

At the time of the FUI in June 2012, the quality of education provided by the school remained satisfactory. In response to the inspection findings, the school created comprehensive action plans to address the key areas for improvement and a second FUI was carried out in December 2013.

In the intervening period, the following actions which affect the work of the school have taken place:

• a new principal took up post in September 2012;

• the roles of the co-ordinators have been developed to include monitoring and evaluating the quality of the provision;

• the school has developed further the analysis of a range of data to inform planning and to track the children’s progress;

• support from the Curriculum Advisory and Support Service of the NEELB has been used effectively by the school to support developments in literacy, numeracy and assessment;

• the school has sought, and is continuing to seek actively, curricular links with other schools in order to share effective practice and provide mutual support;

• the school is developing further its links with parents and the wider community; and

• the enrolment has increased and currently stands at 72 children.

The following are the most important improvements made since the FUI in June 2012:

• the leadership of the principal is outstanding, she has a clear vision for improvement and is providing highly strategic direction for the school;

• the staff, with the support of the wider school community, have devised a comprehensive school development plan, supported by detailed and appropriate action plans;


• the co-ordinators have clearly defined roles and are well-focused on effecting improvements through rigorous and systematic monitoring and evaluating of the quality of the provision;

• the school has made significant progress in developing a culture of self-evaluation, underpinned by the thorough analysis of all available data;

• the school has strengthened, and is continuing to develop, its links with other schools in order to disseminate best practice; and

• the very good quality of learning and teaching observed in all the lessons during the follow-up inspection.


In the areas inspected, the quality of education provided by this school is very good. The school is meeting very effectively the educational and pastoral needs of the learners; and has demonstrated its capacity for sustained self-improvement.

It continues to be important that the employing authority, governors and the staff plan for, and manage, issues related to the sustainability of the school provision and school budget, in order to address the current and future needs of the children and the staff.






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