The School Day

The School Day


Children are supervised in the main playground


School starts


Morning break





Home-time for Year 1 and Year 2

Home-time for Year 3 on Tuesday, Thursday and Friday



Home-time for Year 3 on Monday and Wednesday

Home-time for Years 4 – 7


Arrival at School

  • In the mornings,children should leave their bags in the big playground in an allocated place, where morning supervision will take place.  The school bell will ring at 8.55am and all children will line up to enter classes via the rear entrance. 
  • Parents of P1 children may leave their child into school during the first week of September, entry via the front door, or they may drop them off in the big playground.  Only parents of P1 children are permitted in the classroom area before 9.00am.  Siblings of P1 children are not allowed to accompany parents into the P1 classroom, but should proceed to the big playground to be supervised by a teacher. 
  • On wet days, all children will enter the school via the front door and proceed to the hall with their bags.
  • In order that lessons and assemblies are not disrupted, children should be in school by 9.00am. 
  • Should a parent wish to speak to a teacher it will be necessary to arrange a suitable time with the school secretary or send a note/SeeSaw message to the teacher.  Meetings will be arranged as soon as possible.


Leaving School

  • Children will exit the school by the rear door, which opens onto the small playground. 
  • Please do not park your car outside in such ways as to spoil the view of the patrol-man.
  • All children must cross the road with the crossing patrol-man (morning also).  Encourage your child to respect and listen to the crossing patrol-man as his/her safety depends on this.


School Access

  • Anyone requiring access to the school after 9.00am must report to the school office. 
  • If your child needs to leave class early, a letter/SeeSaw message must be sent to the class teacher stating the time and reason.  The class teacher will make every effort to ensure your child is at the school office at the required time. 
  • Parents are required to complete a sign in/out slip at the school office when taking their child out of school and when they return. 
  • Access to the classroom area is not permitted during the school day.

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